+234 8079917938, +234 7064701747, +234 9082907092 acde-qaaa@noun.edu.ng

Our Mandate


Our Vision

To become a globally acclaimed one-stop solution and centre of excellence for training, development and research in Open, Distance and eLearning (ODeL) in the West-Africa sub-region and beyond.

Our Mission

To build and maintain a regional network of expertise in the West African sub-region that is highly proficient in the delivery of training, development, and practice-based research in ODeL.

Our Objectives

  • To foster regional networking partnership and collaboration for delivery of ODL in the West African sub-region and beyond.
  • To build the capacity of West African Higher Education Institutions in ODL by undertaking and promoting staff training and development in the regional countries of operation.
  • To engage in and support systemic research activities in ODL to build and provide quality distance education in the West Africa sub-region and beyond.

Our Functions

  • Training: undertake and promote staff training for capacity building in all aspects of ODeL and Technology Enabled Learning (TEL) among relevant parties/institutions.
  • Research: : engage in, coordinate and support systemic and applied knowledge-based research in ODeL and TEL; disseminate research findings through the Institute’s flagship journal – West African Journal of Open and Flexible Learning (WAJOFEL); and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and discourse on ODL through the RETRIDOL Monthly Discourse
  • Academic programmes: offer professional certification in ODeL e.g. Postgraduate Diploma in Open and Distance Learning (PGDODL).
  • Collaboration, networking and partnerships: establish and sustain intra- and inter-institutional communities of practice through seminars, workshops, conferences, and related engagements.