+234 8079917938, +234 7064701747, +234 9082907092 acde-qaaa@noun.edu.ng

African council for distance education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE QAAA) tools and instruments for evaluation of quality in open and distance learning including e-Learning and African higher education

African council for distance education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE QAAA) tools and instruments for evaluation of quality in open and distance learning including e-Learning and African higher education

For the full African council for distance education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (ACDE QAAA) tools and instruments for evaluation of quality in open and distance learning including e-Learning and African higher education standards and performance indicators for quality assurance of distance higher education institutions and programmes, click link below:

Criterion 1 (acde-afri.org)


In the education dispensation of the 21st century, where quality of teaching and learning service deliveries lead to satisfaction in the quality knowledge being acquired by learners, it is not far-fetched to opine that the integrity of institutions that are without acceptable quality in teaching and learning activities will be questioned.

Most Open and Distance Learning (ODL) higher education institutions are thereby compelled to live up to the expectations of the stakeholders in education. This is simply because ODL higher education institutions, unlike the conventional institutions, are saddled with the responsibility of providing learning opportunities that are characterized by the separation of teacher and learner in time or place, or in both time and place.

Essentially, part of their activities is to assist learners to transit from the formal classroom situation to a system where the learners pursue their studies independently and in their homes or comfort zone. Open and Distance Learning therefore, supports learners regardless of distance, creed and circumstances by bridging the gap between the learners and the institution.

It was in order to address the ever recurring question of quality in ODL that drove a group of Vice Chancellors in Africa to establish the African Council for Distance Education (ACDE). They also ensured that an agency on quality assurance and accreditation (ACDEQAA) is one of its cardinal programmes. As a positive development, the ACDE QAAA has successfully developed a Quality Assurance (QA) Toolkit to guide practitioners and enhance the culture of quality teaching and learning in service deliveries. This QA Toolkit is thus a flagship of the ACDE because it is an instrument that was well developed and validated by the international reference group/experts from different accredited quality assurance organisations from within and outside Africa.

Following this, a Quality Assurance Policy Framework/Manual was produced to accompany the Toolkit so as to guide and remind QA practitioners on the essential steps to follow while using the QA Toolkit. Similarly, this QA manual was developed in such a way that it is handy so as to help remove the burden of proof that is hinged on the credibility and comparability of ODL offerings with campus based/conventional delivery mode. Similarly, it is structured as an operational manual to  facilitate proficiency of the Toolkit by making QA practices (input, processes and outputs) as explicit and systematic as possible with the overall aim of inculcating a culture of quality and continuous self improvement.

It is my belief therefore, that use of this QA Toolkit and its policy framework/manual will help position the ODL practices in Africa within the global perspectives. It is important to note that this QA policy framework will encourage ODL higher education institutions to develop quality assurance policies that are suitable for their own environment and practices.

It is in view of this that I encourage all practitioners and stakeholders in QA practices to ensure that they read, understand and utilise the tenets of this QA Policy Framework.

Professor Primrose Kurasha

ACDE President &

Vice Chancellor, Zimbabwe Open University


 Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is a shift from the traditional pedagogies of education delivery that is premised on the transfer of knowledge/ information to outcome-based and learner centered learning where the teacher, acting as a facilitator, empowers learners who study  independently with the assistance of the growing application of emerging information communication  technology.

ODL providers carry the burden of proof that their delivery is credible, comparable of equivalent, if not superior, to the face to face delivery mode. With an ACDE approved and released Quality Assurance (ACDE)QA Tools and instruments for both internal and external institutional audits and programme accreditation in place, it is expedient to develop a generic QA policy framework that will guide an integrated use of QA Toolkit to engender best ODL practices (input, processes and outputs) with the overall objective of further inculcating a culture of quality in ODL practices.

A policy is a set of principles and guidelines formulated and enforced to give operations rational outcomes and improve the quality of an institution’s processes, methods and outcomes to further engender stakeholder’s confidence in ODL provisions and products.

The policy framework has identified 9 main areas in ODL practices with each area following the principles of integration, completeness, openness, transparency and international benchmarks.

As a generic document, it is expected that the policy will require each African ODL Institution in  developing policies suitable to their environment and circumstances for quality delivery and outcomes.

I hope you will find the policy framework as a good guide

 Prof I. F. Adu, FAS

Director ACDE QAAA


Higher education systems in virtually all countries of the world are facing the challenges of expanding access, increasing throughput rates, improving quality and ensuring equity.  The impact of these challenges would seem to be more evident in Africa given its high illiteracy rates, its low participation rates, huge capacity development needs and a massive demand for tertiary education.  The challenges are further underpinned by Africa’s commitment to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the vision of the African Union both of which recognize the quality of higher education as a critical factor in the attainment of the goals and vision..  It is also recognized that the conventional or residential mode of higher education delivery is incapable of meeting the envisaged greater demand for reasons of decreasing constriction of public funding to higher education institutions, capacity to expand educational opportunities and the rapid development in Information and Communication Technologies.

Fortunately, however, these challenges have led to increased awareness and appreciation of the potential role of Open and Distance Learning in increasing access, improving the quality of higher education and their products.  These developments made the MINEDAF (VIII) (Ministers of Education in Africa) to convey the first ever all-Africa Ministers’ Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education in Cape Town, South Africa in February 2004.  The ministers at the conference identified two major challenges to distance education in Africa in addition to six others.  The first is to manage access, quality and cost so as to ensure affordability and learner success while the second is to ensure quality in distance education provisions.  Strategies were recommended to address the two challenges.

The minister’s recommendations were revisited and affirmed by the Inaugural African Council for Distance Education (ACDE) and General Assembly held in South Africa in August 2005.  The ACDE thus designed 2 programmes to address the identified major challenges namely:

  1. To foster continental collaboration among ODL Institutions for the design, development and delivery of ODL programmes and materials. This project is hosted by Open University of Tanzania (OUT;)and
  2. To develop and implement mechanisms for continental ODL quality assurance and accreditation through the establishment of a continental Quality Assurance Agency. This project is hosted by the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).


The ACDE is a continental education organization comprising African Universities and other higher education institutions committed to expanding access, quality education and training through Open and Distance Learning including e-learning.


To be the organization of excellence in the promotion and advocacy for open and distance learning in Africa.


To promote research, policy and quality in Open and Distance learning, increase access to education and training in Africa through capacity building, fostering collaboration, partnership and advocacy.


The inaugural meeting of the ACDE recognized that one of the major challenges facing the use of ODL in Africa is evolving strategies for the development of common understanding of quality assurance concepts and practices.  In response to this challenge, the ACDE set up a planning and project Development Group to examine the need for the establishment of an ODL Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency for Africa.  The recommendation of the group was accepted by the ACDE Executive Board in 2009 and thus the ACDE-Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency was formally established in May, 2009 with the mandate of developing and implementing a Quality Assurance Framework to ensure that ODL Institutions in Africa engage in acceptable quality assurance practices.


To be the leader in the promotion of quality and excellence in the practice of ODL in Africa.


To formulate policies and implement strategies through consultation, partnership and collaboration that will embed a culture of quality and adoption of good practices in ODL processes and delivery leading to qualifications and awards that engender stakeholder confidence.


The core values of ACDE-QAAA to which the policy, practice and procedures adhere to include:

  • Excellency
  • Integrity and Credibility
  • Openness and transparency
  • Collaboration and partnership


The ACDE-QAAA is an independent unit within ACDE that is responsible for promoting and developing an African framework, criteria and standards for guiding member institutions towards quality assurance in ODL.  The Agency monitors, audits, accredits and advises on programmes with a view to playing to an effective role in institutional quality assurance mechanism and processes.  The Agency has established working relationships with member institutions as well as with similar national, regional and international bodies.  The Agency has also developed a broad governance structure for continental quality assurance and accreditations.

 It has also set up working groups made up members from ACDE member institution.  It has developed guidelines for institutions, train members to facilitate peer review and accreditation.


The Agency is hosted by the National Open University of Nigeria from where it operates and communicates in-house and with stakeholders through the internet, mobile telephone etc.


The burden of proof of the credibility and comparability of ODL with campus-based delivery mode rests with ODL providers.  The ACDE-QAAA was established to develop an indigenous model of quality assurance that would serve to position African ODL in global perspectives.

The ACDE policy centres on promoting and encouraging Higher Open Education Institutions in Africa to engage in acceptable best/good quality assurance practices in the delivery of education.

As part of operationalising the ACDE-QAA, the Technical Committee of QAAA soon after the adoption of ACDE QA Toolkit, decided to put in place a policy to inform and guide the use of the Toolkit and develop an Operational manual to facilitate engendering the proficiency of the Toolkit by making QA practices (input, processes and outputs) as explicit and as systematic as possible with the overall aim of inculcating a culture of quality and continuous self improvement.


The quality assurance policies and procedures herein stated will apply to all practices, processes and procedures of ODL. This policy is a generic document to and from which individual institutions can develop policies suitable to their environment and circumstance.


In pursuit of promoting quality assurance the Agency shall:

  • Ensure that Institutions make clear statements of commitment to the management of quality.
  • Ensure high quality in fulfilling institutional mandate as informed by national goals for development
  • Promote high level of excellence among institutions
  • Encourage Integrity in institutional operations and practices
  • Encourage ODL institutions to promote credibility and the awards
  • Encourage institutions to pursue continuous improvements
  • Meeting institutional quality objectives
  • Ensure that institutions comply with national regulatory requirements
  • Encourage institutions to promote involvement of all personnel, and obtain buy-in in the implementation of quality imperatives
  • Encourage institutions to promote learners satisfaction by placing quality at the centre of their learning experience
  • Encourage institutions to establish quality assurance units system and structure
  • Encourage institutions to provide adequate human and financial resources

Quality Assurance Policy Aims

The following are the aims of this policy:

4.1          To ensure institutions to provide quality teaching and learning as well as suitably qualified staff and learners

4.2          To encourage institutions to design and offer market driven programmes

4.3          To promote and foster a culture of research, publications as well as innovative ODL and e-learning approaches in institutions

4.4          To encourage institutions to actively participate in community service programmes

4.5          To encourage institutions to put in place a quality management system for continuous monitoring and evaluation of quality management system to enhance the quality of service delivery

4.6          To foster effective communication processes within institutions

4.7          To encourage the production and acquisition of quality learning materials by institutions in conformity with set ODL standards

4.8          To encourage the deployment of appropriate up-to-date ICT, infrastructure and resources in conformity with set standards in all institutional operations

4.9          To promote mutually beneficial collaboration and partnership among institutions.

  1. Quality Assurance Policy

The ACDE, in conjunction with the institution, shall be committed to management and improvement of products and services, including: teaching, learning, research and publications, consultancy and partnerships by monitoring and reviewing its quality performance and effective implementation of quality standards.

The ACDE and the institution shall aim at meeting and surpassing stakeholder expectations, and complying with statutory requirements.

Management and Leadership

Policy statement

An institution shall clearly define the Open, Distance and eLearning administrative structures in line with the governance structures of the institution and a clear commitment to quality.

The organs of governance shall be responsible for:

  1. a) Policy decisions;
  2. b) Administrative issues;
  3. c) Finance issues;
  4. d) Infrastructure issues; and
  5. e) Supervision and monitoring of academic affairs.
  • The administrative structures shall include those responsible for management of:
  1. Development of academic programmes and study materials
  2. Production and distribution of study materials
  3. Student support services
  4. Information and records systems
  5. Student assessment and examinations
  6. Planning and finance
  7. Monitoring, evaluation and research; and
  8. General management and administration

 The Learners Profile

Policy Statement

The institution shall ensure that there is a feedback mechanism in place such that the information obtained on learners profile inform policy formulation, course development and student support services.

  • The institution shall admit qualified learners in line with national requirements, based on accurate advertised admission criteria without discrimination.
  • A response to admission applications shall be properly communicated to prospective learners.

 Learner Assessment and Evaluation

Policy Statement

The institution shall ensure integrity and credibility of all aspects of examinations and assessment processes.

The institution shall:

  • Ensure proper management of all aspects of the processes of assessment and examinations such that they are in line with international standards. 
  • Ensure timely release of results using appropriate technology.
  • Ensure that there is grading policy in place and it is communicated.
  • Ensure that assessment and evaluation processes reflect learning objectives.
  • Ensure that a mechanism is in place to ensure that assessment outcomes inform the teaching and learning processes.

 Learning Infrastructure

Policy Statement

The institution shall evolve policies and mechanisms to ensure the adequacy of learning infrastructure required to achieve stated learning outcomes.

The institution shall:

  • Put in place proper policy to guide provision of appropriate technologies and other learning infrastructure (including virtual learning infrastructure, recording studios, physical and soundproof classrooms, library services, laboratories and recreational facilities) for teaching and learning.

Ensure effective use of appropriate technologies for the management of the teaching and learning process and learners’ academic records.

Human Resource and Development

Policy Statement

The institution shall develop policies and mechanisms to ensure appropriate provision of qualified human resource personnel and training and development programmes for capacity building.

The institution shall:

  • Have clearly stated guidelines to guide recruitment, retention and welfare of staff.
  • Put in place appropriate guidelines to ensure appropriate distribution and utilisation of human resources.
  • Ensure effective use of appropriate technologies for management of human resources.
  • Programme Design and Development

Policy Statement

The institutions shall ensure that the design and development process of programmes (from initiation to approval) are planned such that they meet the needs of learners and the labour market.

The institution shall:

  • Ensure that the assessment process effectively measures the stated learning objectives.
  • Ensure that there is a process in place for systematic review of programmes.
  • Ensure that appropriate technology and media needs are identified during the planning process.

Course Design and Development

Policy Statement

The institution shall ensure quality in course design and development, and shall be subject to regular reviews in response to market and stakeholder needs, as well as relevant regulatory requirements. All course resources developed for print or electronic delivery shall follow due process and comply with the institution’s Copyright policies.The Subject Matter Expert shall define the course objectives, learning resources, learning activities as well as relevant assessment for the course

  • The course shall be subjected to internal and external review processes to ensure high quality learning materials
  • All course material shall be subjected to content review and language editing
  • All courses shall adhere to appropriate instructional design practices
  • The course design shall utilize an appropriate mix of media and technology appropriate for its effective delivery

  Learner Support and Progression

Policy Statement

The institution shall put in place effective systems and platforms for student support, which shall be reviewed from time to time for effectiveness, depending on the medium of delivery.

  • Learner support systems shall include: face-to-face sessions, education technology, student study centres, tutorial sessions and library services, virtual library, study materials and practical sessions, laboratory sessions, teaching practice for education courses, moot courts and special projects.
  • Learners will be supported in developing requisite skills for Open, Distance and eLearning including: ICT and information literacy, time-management, writing, effective study, note-taking, presentation, team building, self-paced learning among others
  • The institution shall develop systems to provide psycho-social support, leadership development, character building as well as clear outlines on netiquette for online interaction.
  • The institution shall encourage collaborative learning through peer support programmes and discussion groups.
  • The institution shall put in place appropriate structures and mechanisms for providing timely feedback and communicating test and examination results to the students.
  • The institution shall set up and maintain an effective learner tracking system during the course and after completion.

 Research, Publications and Consultancy Services

Policy Statement

Policies and regulations guiding university research and consultancy services shall be in place and shall be reviewed regularly to ensure they are relevant, operational and effective.

  • Institutions shall provide a conducive environment for the conduct of multi-disciplinary research that shall affect lives, communities and environment
  • Institutions shall ensure that research outcomes are appropriately disseminated. The institution shall set up and maintain an archiving system and repository for research.
  • Institutions shall ensure that research ethics are strictly followed.
  • Institutions shall provide a framework for monitoring and evaluation for improved service delivery, planning and allocation of resources.
  • Institutions shall provide a conducive environment for staff to carry out research and consultancy services, as well as research on Open, Distance and eLearning
  • The institution shall encourage the conduct of research to generate knowledge, production processes and techniques for industry.

 Collaboration and Partnership

Policy Statement

An institution may enter into collaborative arrangements for delivery of Open, Distance and eLearning in line with its policy on collaboration and partnership.

The institution shall:

  • Put in place guidelines on collaboration and partnership.
  • Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a partner institution to guide the partnership, collaboration and networking. The MOU shall include scope, duration and must be periodically reviewed.

Implementation of the Policy

The policy shall be implemented in line with the Agency’s operational procedures and shall take effect after approval of the ACDE Executive Board. The policy shall be reviewed on a regular basis.