Workshop Title: RETRIDOL/COL Workshop on Design, Development and Adaptation of Course Materials for Distance and Blended Learning.
Date: February 22nd – 24th, 2022.
Number of Participants: 30
Number of Institutions: 1
- The University of Maiduguri, Centre for Distance Learning
Workshop Objectives: The overarching objective of the workshop was to develop participants’ knowledge and skills in designing, developing and adapting content for distance and blended learning modes of delivering education. More specifically, the workshop was designed to:
- Acquaint participants with the fundamentals of distance and blended learning;
- Equip participants with the basic principles of course material development, structuring the course, using access devices and adding assessments;
- Strengthen the capacity of participants to write acceptable learning outcomes and course units;
- Acquaint participants with the process of adaptation of course materials for distance and blended learning;
- Enable participants to identify and integrate Open Educational Resources (OERs) into the course content; and
- Introduce participants to design strategies for blended learning and flipped classrooms.
- Thirty participants were trained in the rudiments and fundamentals of designing, developing and adapting course materials for distance and blending learning.
Summary of Workshop Outcomes:
Participants demonstrated increased understanding of the course material development process through their presentations and critique of the various assignments, during the group work and the development of a house style. It was agreed that the Centre should further develop the house style to harmonise same in their course materials for their learners.